You're in the right place if:

>You are a triathlete or active person with muscle soreness, tightness, and fatigue.

>Your fatigued muscles are limiting your enjoyment and performance.

>You want to recover quicker so you can feel strong and be able to push yourself through every training session and best prepare for the main event. 

>If you're ready to move better and enjoy your sport for years to come- I'm here to help. Let's tackle it together. 

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Pain and discomfort don't have to be your "normal".

Triathlons and training shouldn't be a chore to suffer through but a hobby you enjoy pain-free and injury-free.

up in flames:
burnout prevention

I created this burnout prevention program to help combat fatigue, overuse injuries and burnout risk so you can finish a season without pain or injury and actually enjoy the training and competition and finally, so you will be able to sustain your active lifestyle for years to come.

The 4 stages:


The initial visit.
During this stage a comprehensive health and training history will be taken. Assessments will be performed to determine range of motion, restrictions, and pain patterns. Any current or potential injury sites will be identified.


The bulk of the program.
This is the hands-on portion. We work to up-regulate areas of the body that are not firing optimally, or down-regulate areas of the body that are over-activated such as areas of pain or inflammation. This is done using various massage and stretching techniques, IASTM tools, cups, and tape.


The Check-in.
We won't charge blindly in a direction that isn't working, nor will we change our approach if it is working. This is a quick check-in at the start of the massage. We will perform the same assessments done in stage 1 and note any differences. I will also ask for feedback on how training has been and from there we can determine together, how the program should continue.


The coast phase.
By this phase we have determined what techniques work and are getting the desired results. Training is enjoyable (or at least experiencing little to no pain) and we can start to adjust the frequency of massages to come on an "as needed" basis. 

**During the season it is recommended to come weekly, or as often as possible, to prevent burnout, and stay ahead of any fatigue/pain/injury**

Click the link below to purchase the "Up In Flames" Package then book a 60 min Initial Visit massage to start using the package!

(Every subsequent visit will be scheduled as a 60min sports massage.)