
Here's what my clients have to say...

I had not taken care of my body after runnings a full marathon in 2018, I started to feel the repercussions and sought services from Sabrina. She enlightened me on the benefits of recovery, stretching and massage. I watched her free stretching and mobility series and began incorporating those moves into my daily routines. Within a week a of self-care I could feel my body recovering. I was able to run multiple days in a row and not feel bogged down or fatigued. Sabrina opened my eyes and changed my perspective on restoration and recovery. I will never again disregard the signals my body is sending me. Pain and discomfort are signs that something is wrong, and Sabrina is the medication! 

Sam J.

Avid Runner

As an avid weight-training and mixed martial arts enthusiast, I am consistently plagued with shoulder stiffness, soreness, and lower back pain. I was introduced to Sabrina as an alternative to invasive procedures and pain medication. Working with Sabrina has not only alleviated my chronic pain but allowed me to learn new stretching techniques and warm up procedures. She truly cares for the well-being of her clients and adapts various massage and deep tissue techniques to situational needs and circumstances. I highly recommend her to anyone (highly active or even the weekend warrior) looking for a relaxing and therapeutic massage experience. Don't waste your time or money anywhere else.

Michael H.

Weight-lifter/ MMA enthusiast

Sabrina is a genuinely positive person with a God given gift to help heal people. I would recommend a massage from her or just to be in her presence to anyone who has injuries or pain. 

William L.

client since 2019

If she can fix my messed up body she can fix you too. She is the best and a true professional! I highly recommend her!

Mike F.


I am thoroughly impressed and will continue to go back to her regularly. I highly recommend her to any and everyone!

Paulette J.

Avid walker

I was referred to her by another friend who's also had amazing results from her therapy. Sabrina goes above and beyond, she really cares about her clients and works hard to make sure I have relief from my pain.

Molly D.
